UNO April 2019

Human intelligence and brand image in the age of artificial intelligence

It is undeniable that digital transformation offers huge opportunities for organizations, and it has become a high priority for companies of any sector and size. But, during these processes, the cultural transformation component and role of people are often underestimated. This is a major mistake because, although it is evident that technology is a catalyst for digital transformation, it is people who make it possible. They, above all else, are those who best communicate the company’s culture and mission—something essential to securing customer engagement and business success.

Companies cannot forget their employees are people, not just resources. That is, they must create an emotional link with the organization to feel involved with its mission and adopt its values. This will help employees feel a sense of pride working in the organization.

Beyond the product or service, the human factor is regaining its leading role in the digital age—the age of artificial intelligence. A clear example is Microsoft. Our commitment and mission is to empower people and organizations to do more, helping them achieve their goals. We want to offer people and companies the benefits of the current digital transformation in which we are immersed so that they can maximize their competitiveness. But if one thing is clear to us, it is that nothing would be possible without our people. The digital transformation is about people—people empowered by technology.

Microsoft is a place for exploration, creativity, innovation and professional advancement. We try to ensure our professionals are inspired and motivated to achieve extraordinary things that leave a lasting impact on society, carrying out all this within our culture of innovation based on continuous learning. Each employee’s contribution to the success of others is valued, as well as their abilities to build on the contributions of other team members. Success lies in taking advantage of the ideas and contributions of others, and each employee can and should contribute, as much as possible, to the successes of their colleagues and the business.

Employees are our most important asset. At Microsoft, we work to get the best out of them and develop their talent, implementing many initiatives to enhance their commitment. Some of these come from our employee satisfaction survey, which gives them a special place since they come from our staff. There is a great feeling of belonging to the organization. Our internal surveys show that more than 98 percent of our employees are passionate about the work they do.

“Employees in this modern world seek work environments that boost their creativity, improve their productivity and job satisfaction and make them feel connected to their organization’s culture and mission”

People who work at Microsoft really believe they can change the world through technology. Internally, we are generating a culture that allows our employees to connect their energy and passion for technology with this mission and become true brand ambassadors outside the company.

The digital environment has given rise to a new way of working. Now more than ever, employees in this modern world seek work environments that boost their creativity, improve their productivity and job satisfaction and make them feel connected to their organization’s culture and mission.

“A company with a committed workforce is more productive, more profitable and reaches clients better than those with a lesser commitment from their employees”

For a company to thrive in this new work culture, it is important to promote the alignment of employees with shared objectives. This will help companies attract and retain employees who are involved, committed and can spread this commitment outside the organization.

As sources of recommendations, people are considered much more credible and valuable than any brand advertisement or publication. A company with a committed workforce is more productive, more profitable and reaches clients better than those with a lesser commitment from their employees.

Since employee engagement is closely related to productivity, profitability and customer experience, more and more companies are focusing on ways to improve this commitment. If employees see their work have a direct impact on company success, they feel more committed.

Turning workers into brand ambassadors is not achieved simply by asking them to share content. They must be motivated, feel this sense of belonging, take the initiative, feel inspired by the company culture and, in turn, want to inspire others.

There is no point in trying to build a successful brand if your workers do not identify with it. Employees are no longer brand ambassadors. They are the brand.

Luisa Izquierdo
Director of Human Resources at Microsoft Ibérica
The director of Human Resources at Microsoft Ibérica, she is responsible for leading the strategy and implementation of the company’s innovative Human Resources policies, which have led Microsoft to be ranked among the Best Companies to Work for in Spain. She joined the Microsoft team October 2015, following a successful and extensive career carried out over more than 15 years. She has occupied various leadership positions in not only Spain, but also in Europe and globally, working for companies such as Honeywell, Amena and Soluziona, among others. She holds degrees in Law from ICADE E-1 and Psychology from UNED. [Spain]

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