UNO March 2016

New challenges in Corporate Social Responsibility



As time goes by, Corporate Social Responsibility has become a part of all large companies. There is no large or medium company, whether national or multinational, that does not have a CSR department, which is in itself already a great achievement and a sign that our business landscape has matured. In recent years, it has become clear that the way forward consists in ensuring that Corporate Social Responsibility also permeates all aspects of company culture, from top to bottom and from bottom to top, placing discipline in the core business of company management.

Business durability depends to a great extent on reputation, with CSR being a key cog in the wheel

This issue of UNO magazine tackles the new challenges and opportunities for a proper strategy and implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a new scenario based on a market that demands sustainable and inclusive equity.

01_1Recent cases of malpractice in the management of business impact on society and the environment have placed the need for sound CSR strategies back on the business and institutional agenda. The capital-based market, where short-term solutions used to be applied, has made way for a new paradigm in which business durability depends to a great extent on reputation, with CSR being a key cog in the wheel.

Is this a turning point? Has CSR lost its credibility for society? Or rather, has the time arrived, more than ever, to promote its practice? Without a doubt, we now find ourselves facing a new scenario in which CSR communications, that is, conveying business opportunities, risks, and progress to target audiences through a multi-channel strategy is crucially important to ensure business success.

In this way, this issue is meant to cast light on the direction of this discipline, its main challenges in the current scenario, and the opportunities that are arising. To do so, we have asked leading industry experts to share their thoughts, which we hope you will find interesting.

Jose Antonio Llorente
Founding Partner and Chairman of LLYC Spain / U.S.A.
Jose Antonio Llorente as a specialist in Corporate and Financial Communication, over the course of a career spanning more than 25 years, he has provided consultancy services on numerous corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions, divestments, joint ventures and stock market floatations. Mr. Llorente was the first Spanish professional to have received the SABRE Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement, a European award presented by The Holmes Report.Mr. Llorente worked at the multinational Burson-Marsteller for ten years, where he was Managing Director. He currently sits on the Board of Trustees of the Euroamérica Foundation and the Steering Committee of the Spanish Association of Minority Shareholders of Listed Companies. He is also a member of the Advisory Council to SMEs of the Spanish Confederation of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises, the Steering Committee of the Agencies of Spain Association and the Advisory Council of Executive MBA in the Management of Professional Services Organisations organised by Garrigues. José Antonio has a degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, and specialist in Public Affairs at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and The Henley College. @jallorente [United States - Spain]

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